Monday, 27 May 2013


Hi anew, my dear readers:

As abstract, in my previous publication I wrote about “Psychology”, my career, and my personal connection with it. I must admit that I am very critical of my career, because I hope that one day psychology could be used to transform the realities. Today, I will talk about one of the most important things of the educational psychology, this is the popular education, and his principal author is Paulo Freire. He is the topic of my presentation in English.

I chose this topic because he is one of the most important teachers in the educational field and, also because I admire their work and their revolutionary method.

I organized my presentation on four specific points:
1.  His stay in Chile
2. His method
3. The diverse fields where the method could be used in the educational psychology.
4. The relevance of the topic.

My presentation was much hosted, but I lingered less than minimum time required. For this reason I had to add one more paragraph to my presentation in the class schedule. The next time my presentation will be more extensive.

This topic is really important because it is a very revolutionary method, and with it we could change a “little bit” the educational practice in the schools where we will work in one “not so far” future, such as Freire did with the farmers in the 60’.

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