Monday, 22 July 2013


My dear readers!

In my previous publication I wrote about my dear and beautiful best friend: Claudia Sepúlveda. I wrote about our friendship, our dreams, projects, experiences, revolutionary ideas, and hopes.  Now, I will talk about my blogging experience in the English class.

First, my opinion of this experience is principally positive, because I think that with the blog is possible progress in the writing, and is possible learn more vocabulary. Also, I think with the blog, I learned very much, because I use my knowledges.

The things negatives of the blogs are not much, because although is very difficult write in English (principally the first classes), finally I achieved my goal.

Really write in the blog is very entertaining. No is a tedious activity, and is a very learning tool very useful.  Is very funny read the publications of the classmates, because sometimes the blogs are much disorganized.

Also, read the blogs by my classmates and then post comments, is very encouraging.  Knowing that someone reads what you write is motivating. And read the comments in my blog of my classmates are very entertaining. The blog is a good tool for learning English, and I recommend it. 

Saturday, 13 July 2013


Hi my dear readers!

In my previous publication I wrote about the things that I would like to learn  and others things that I started learning and stopped, as cinema, play an musical instrument, illustrations, etc. Now, I will talk about my dear and beautiful best friend.

First, I should say that I haven't many friends. My few friends have a special chemistry, they are different than other people, and my best friend is the most special of all, her name is 


Claudia is my classmate in this career. I met my best friend in my first year of university. But, one day (four years ago) talking in the classroom we realized that we have many things in common, and we have always been together.

We are not only classmates, also we share many activities: studied together, we create a space of reflection called "ASA", we are interested in the same elements of psychology, and we will make our thesis together.

While we share dreams, projects, experiences, revolutionary ideas, and hopes, we are different and we empower ourselves with our differences. For example, I'm very structured, and my best friend is very creative. Therefore, with the good ideas from her, along with my order, we achieved good work and creations.

Friday, 12 July 2013


Hi anew, my dear readers:

In my previous publication I wrote about the gelateria “Bravissimo”, my favourite place to eat, and my favourites foods, such as: pancakes, Chinese food, sushi, Italian food and “Chorrillana”. Now, I will talk about the things that I would like to learn and others things that I started learning and stopped.

First, I should say that I love learning. Now, I'm on a course of "Comparative Religions", and also I'm training to be helper of the subject "Education and Poverty".

I would like to learn more about cinema all my life. Also, I would like to learn to play an instrument before dying, like the violin. I have been trying to learn to play the guitar, the piano, and the drum, but all this instruments are a very difficult.

A long time ago, I was learning the Greek language, but I abandoned the course because of lack of time. But, I went to a basic course of ancient Hebrew.

Soon, I would like to take a course of illustrations, because I love drawing and I want to improve my technique.

I want to learn many things in this life, but I know that education is a business, so I prefer the self-education.

Hi anew, my dear readers:

As abstract, in my previous publication I wrote about the topic of my presentation in English: “The Popular Education, and his principal author, Paulo Freire”. Today, I will talk about my favourite place to eat and my favourites foods.

My favourite activity with my boyfriend, besides going to the cinema, is go eat.  The restaurant that I really like is called “Bravissimo”. Bravissimo is a gelateria, and this sells the best ice cream in the world. Also, this gelateria sells big ice cream cups, cakes, patry, coffee, tea, big burgers, and French fries. But, the food that I like most is pancakes.

There are too many local in Santiago. But, my boyfriend and me, we go to Bravissimo located in the street Eduardo Hyatt #583, Providencia.

Also, I like others foods, as Chinese food and sushi in the restaurant “Too Much”, because we can pay with card JUNAEB. Besides, end of every month we go eat Italian Food in the restaurant “Golfo Di Napoli”. Also, I really like a dish of food called “Chorrillana”, this dish contain: french fries, fried onion, fried eggs, meat and sausage.

You can understand that everything I eat in the month, I must go to the gym (je je je)

Monday, 27 May 2013


Hi anew, my dear readers:

As abstract, in my previous publication I wrote about “Psychology”, my career, and my personal connection with it. I must admit that I am very critical of my career, because I hope that one day psychology could be used to transform the realities. Today, I will talk about one of the most important things of the educational psychology, this is the popular education, and his principal author is Paulo Freire. He is the topic of my presentation in English.

I chose this topic because he is one of the most important teachers in the educational field and, also because I admire their work and their revolutionary method.

I organized my presentation on four specific points:
1.  His stay in Chile
2. His method
3. The diverse fields where the method could be used in the educational psychology.
4. The relevance of the topic.

My presentation was much hosted, but I lingered less than minimum time required. For this reason I had to add one more paragraph to my presentation in the class schedule. The next time my presentation will be more extensive.

This topic is really important because it is a very revolutionary method, and with it we could change a “little bit” the educational practice in the schools where we will work in one “not so far” future, such as Freire did with the farmers in the 60’.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


Hi anew, my dear readers:

As abstract, in my previous publication I wrote about a special song in English for me. My favourite song in English is “Hero” by Regina Spektor. This song is the music of the best scene of the movie “500 days of summer”, a film very strange for many man. Today, I will talk about my career “Psychology” and my personal connection with it.

First, I chose this career because I thought that with analysis tools I could help the persons that around me. Over the years I noticed that with psychology has helped me to myself.

I learned that psychology is a tool of oppression, normalizing. But I think that psychology can also be a tool for the people, for the liberation of people. I believe that this is the real help.

I believe that the most used tools by psychologists are tools of oppression, tools that not eliminate discomfort. Psychologists need tools to generate the revolution.  

My favourites subjects are “análisis institucional”, “educación y pobreza”, “violencia de género”, “la cárcel en Chile”, etc. My favourite subjects are very critical of the reality, and challenge to be a different psychologist.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Hi anew, my dear readers:

As abstract, in my previous publication I wrote about a special picture for me, my favourite picture, that is part of my favourite Chilean romance film: “Bonsai”. But, Today I will talk about my favourite song in English. In reality I have many favourite songs, but very few in English, so it will be easier write about this. The song I like best is “Hero” by Regina Spektor. I heard this song for the first time in a very good movie (in reality I believe that it is good, but I like the strange): “500 days of summer”.

I like this song because the lyric is incredibly ironic, but real. Also, is the music of the best scene of “500 days of summer” (scene, here in the video). But, principally because I love Regina Spektor, I love her voice, her unbelievable videos, her lyrics and how beautiful she is. I must admit that Regina Spektor reminds me of Claudia Sepúlveda (my best friend), because I believe that they physically resemble.

Dear readers, here is the song and the picture of Regina Spektor. I hope their opinions.