Thursday, 25 April 2013

Hi my dear readers:

In my previous publication I wrote about my ambition, “to study cinema in Cuba” and in one future achieve be director and create my movies. But and today I will talk about a special picture for me. This picture is part of a scene of “Bonsai” (director Cristián Jiménez, 2011), my favourite romantic film. I took this picture in my computer while I saw the film (“pantallazo”), in November 2012, because in this picture appear the principal characters of the movie: “Julio y Emilia”, they were lying down in the bed, read a book. In the movie they read a book every night.
I love this picture and this scene in particular, because I love the books, and also I believe that the scene was very well done because this is very romantic, but it is not ridiculous (as the movies hollywoodenses). I believe that is a scene of love very intelligent. But, principally I love this picture and this scene because was the first theme of conversation with my boyfriend, he too love this movie. 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Hi my dear readers:

In my previous publication I wrote about my favorites websites. And today I will talk about my ambition. Really, I have many ambitions for my future, but the more important is: “to study cinema in Cuba”. I would like study cinema in Cuba, because I love much the cinema (many more that psychology, my career), and the best cinema school is in Cuba.  

                My source of inspiration for my more important ambitions is: principally the director Alfred Hitchcock and his unbelievable creations cinematography’s. Also, others very goods directors, like: Woody Allen, Ingmar Bergman, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Francis Ford Coppola, Lars von Trier, David Lynch,  Emir Kusturica, Fritz Lang, etc. Too, others sources of inspirations very important are the Chilean directors, like: Raúl Ruíz, Matías Bize, etc.
                For my, fulfill this important ambition would mean reach the happiness, manage my dream, because the cinema it make me happy. I hope that in one future achieve be director and create my movies. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Hi my dear readers:

In my previous publication I wrote that I like the cinema in general, but principally the Hitchcock movies, and today I will talk about my favorite website. I must admit that I love the internet because I can learn all the billboards of my favorites cinemas, the sites are:

Also, in the internet I can learn some articles very interesting in cine magazines online, some relating to the unbelievable architecture used in the best movies of all time, other articles that talk about the cameras, the effects, the various types of scenes and footage, etc. The sites are: and

A long, long time I found all these sites in google while looking for information about a movie and from that day, I check the sites every day.

The websites are very good and interesting, especially for those that enjoy of the seventh art. These websites are very helpful to learn of films.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Good afternoon dear people!,
My name is Pamela Natalie Robles Gómez. I have 21 years old, and I study Psychology in the Chile University. I love the cine and especially the Hitchcocks films. I hope that one day